While the world is still in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic, and a level of uncertainty fills the air, you might be wondering if it’s even worth setting new running goals for 2021. We are here to tell you that it is absolutely worth it – as running keeps you...
When it comes to health and fitness over December and January, many athletes approach the season differently. “Some embark on intense training camps all over the country in anticipation for the competitive seasons coming. Comrades and Two Oceans runners start putting...
As a runner, you may spend hours practicing speed drills, pushing yourself up hills or taking the time to do strength and flexibility work in the gym. But what about your mental health and approach to running?“Running requires as much mental strength as physical...
“No Fear!” That was the name of a surf brand that dominated beach shops, beaches and surfing competitions around the world in the 90s and early 2000s. This inspirational name became synonymous with not only high-octane action...
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If you love to run, chances are, you’ve experienced a bout of Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) at some stage or another. In fact, researchers estimate that around 61% of all serious runners will go through a period of overtraining at...
It’s the one question many runners want the answer to… “How do I improve my speed on theroad/track or trails? "The truth is, there isn’t one simple answer, but rather a range of factors which all contribute to better running form and enhanced leg speed and...