Strength Training eBook


So you know that you should be doing some strength work to become a better runner. Or you may not even know yet that by including some strength work in your weekly schedule that you can take your running performance to the next level.

Reasons for starting a strength program:

  • Improve running performance
  • Injury prevention
  • Eliminate weaknesses not addressed or caused by running itself
  • Building strength and power
  • Becoming a more well-rounded runner
  • Improved posture and strength to maintain form towards the end of a marathon or ultra

The questions going through your head before embarking on a strength program could be a major cause for confusion! Where to I start? Which exercises will benefit my running? Which exercises will harm my running? Do I do upper body and legs on different days? Are group classes any good for runners? Will I bulk up and pick up unnecessary weight?



The Complete Strength for Runners program could just be what you have been looking for! Our eBook and step-by-step program will answer the questions above and far more!

Stop wasting time on unnecessary exercises that leave you too sore to focus on your running. The Complete Strength for Runners will take the guesswork out of strength training. Not only will you have access to the “why’s” and the “what’s” but also full access to video demonstrations of each routine.

What can you expect from Complete Strength for Runners?

  • Five phases of strength training that you can line up with your race plan
  • Adaptation phase for those new to strength or as intro after a big or long running season
  • Three strength phases that could be adjusted according to the time you have available towards your next big race
  • Maintenance phase for the final weeks before your goal event to help keeping the muscles activated but without tiring the body when you are hoping to taper
  • Photo and video sequences for each training day that you can transfer to your phone for visual reminders
  • Bonus material on running nutrition, phasing of your training and self-preservation methods to help with the demands of training

Most of us are hesitant to “waste” any of our precious running time on strength training. That is why the Complete Strength for Runners program has been designed to squeeze all the strength conditioning you need into a 25-30min session!

The variety of exercises will ensure you cover all the important muscle groups including warm-up routines, core training, injury prevention exercises, plyometric training (explosive), and contra-lateral (e.g. opposite arm/leg) to simulate the running action, etc.


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