About Us

Fitness From Africa was  founded in 1998 by MarcĂ©l, a very competent runner with local and international racing experience at that stage. The  vision was to build and develop runners at all levels and take their fitness onto the tracks, roads and trail arenas of the world.

Since then we have had athletes participate in their multitudes not only in South Africa, but also most of the other continents, including the big city marathons like New York, Chicago, Boston, London, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Dublin, Berlin, Frankfurt, and also at the World Masters Athletics Championships in France, the Pasatore 100km, Great Wall of China marathon, and many, many more.

Fitness From Africa now has a highly qualified and experienced coaching staff that pride themselves on being a people orientate business that helps guides runners to their training goals.

Team FFA

Marcel Viljoen

Exercise Specialist

Running Coach - track, road, marathon and ultra coaching

Brendan McBirnie

B.Sc (hons) Sport Science

Running Coach - trail and ultra coaching

Marko Bucarizza

Provincial Athlete

Running Coach - junior athletes, track, road and cross country coaching

Paul Chinkuntha

Running Coach - junior athletes, sprint, middle distance and cross-country coach

Geoff Powell

Running Coach - trail and ultra coaching

Tamlyn Stevens

B.Sc (Hons) Sport Science

Running Coach - junior athletes, sprint, middle distance and cross-country coaching

Dylan Steed

Running Coach - junior athletes, track, road and cross-country coaching

Tyler Koekemoer

Running Coach - junior athletes, sprint, middle distance and cross-country coaching